Thursday, January 14, 2010

Diet change

I am sick and tired of only drinking lemonade. The Hoodia is really helping with the hunger pangs and I’m not having any headaches but I miss eating. I want something with substance. I should say wanted. Last night I ate some soup then drank my Epson salt shot before bed. This morning I had sugar free oatmeal. I had to eat something this morning because as soon as I woke up the Epson salt shot kicked in. I will have the lemonade for dinner tonight. Oh, I am fully aware that this is not how the diet or cleanse is suppose to be but I do believe I posted in my first blog that I sometimes create my own diets. This is my version of the lemonade diet. That’s right, diet. I’m all about weight loss now. I am no longer calling it a cleanse even if it IS cleaning me out in the process.

Sunday I start working out again. P90X. I need my energy for that workout…it’s a monster. I think starting Sunday my blog will change from my diet to my workout.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So I decided to start again. Should I call this day one or day four? After all, I did the diet for three days before going off and eating soup. Then again, I did eat hot wings at bowling last night so maybe I should call this day one. I’m going to call it day four since I did not gain any of my 8 pounds back and because I just want to.

I wanted to get back on the diet because I felt like I failed myself but now that I am back on it all I can think about is the food I want to eat. So I finished day one again…or day five. J It wasn’t as hard this time, maybe because I have the Hoodia to ease my hunger pangs. I also added more syrup and lemon juice to the batch I made last night.

I am feeling tired again but have no headache….yet. Hopefully that won’t happen again. One thing I have noticed is my teeth feel different. They feel like they would feel if I’d eaten a lot of sugar; maybe it’s the syrup that is doing this. I also had my Epson salt shot but nothing has happened to my surprise. (I did mention the hot wings from last night) I call it a shot because I decided to do it in a different way. The instructions tell you to mix a teaspoon of Epson salt with 20 -35 ounces of water. I’ve done that with no results so instead I mix the salt with only a few ounces of water and then drink the rest of the water after the “shot”. This had better results….if you want to call that ‘better’.

Day one is behind me and two more to go. That’s right two….I am only on it for three days. I know what to expect so I am not going to push it.

I still need the prayers.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today is day four and I can go on any more. The Hoodia does work but when I tried to drink the lemonade this morning my mouth would just not take it in. I am not feeling hungry because of the Hoodia but the headache is still there. Yesterday I was so hungry Rascal’s (my dog) treats were looking good to me. Today I don’t feel the hunger but I do feel weak. I think my body is telling me enough is enough.
According to the instructions, you should ease your body off the cleanse. Once you are finish with the ten days you should start with orange juice. I didn’t have any orange juice and it was just too cold to go out so I ate soup. My headache still didn’t go away so I ate a few crackers and later a slice of toast. My head still hurts. I did take my blood pressure and it was better than usual so that’s one good thing.
I was determined to go the full ten days but my body had other plans. I am not going to give up. This was only my first try. I will do it again in about a month and try for at least five days. Maybe I can do ten days on my fourth try.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I lost eight pounds

Day 3 and I’ve lost eight pounds. That’s right…eight pounds in three days. Just when I was thinking of giving this up I stepped on the scale. My head is still hurting but my Hoodia came in today so hopefully that will help me out tomorrow. If not with the headache then surely with my hunger pangs.

Still nothing with the Epson salt drinks. Does this mean I’m clean or will it take a few days to work on me. My family tells me over and over again that I am a junk food junkie….I admit it; I am. It may take a little more to detoxify me.

This cleanse is really hard and tomorrow is the 4th day. I am still taking it one day at a time but I’m thinking 5 days will be it. I miss food so much and I am really noticing how my commercials on TV are about food.

Pray for me.
I didn’t blog about day two last night because I just didn’t feel like it. I was hungry and in a bad mood. I’ve had a non-stop headache since I started this cleanse. Can someone tell me why I’m doing this? I don’t remember. Yes, I know it’s only been two days and I said I would do it for ten but guess what??? I am going to re-goal. I realized that ten days is just too much for my first try. I will eventually work my way up to ten days but not this time.

The lemonade is really not bad but by the end of the day I just want to chew on something. So, my husband suggested I make popsicles. Great idea so that’s what I did. Tonight I’m going to be chewing on some lemonade ice.

When I woke up yesterday, I thought I was going to have to quit right then. My head was pounding, my stomach was so upset I thought I was going to throw up. What the heck would I throw up? Nothing is in my stomach. I was so hungry I was chewing the heads off my husband and my dog. (my cat is just too sweet to get angry at) I did not give up. I drank my glass of lemonade and some water and things got better. But I still have the headache. I think it’s caffeine withdrawal. I have drank my Epson salt drink each night and nothing has happened yet. Maybe I have nothing to clean out.

I’ve ordered some Hoodia to help with the hunger pangs. Hopefully that will help me but, for now, I’m just going to take it one day at a time. If my headache doesn’t go away I may have to start with the orange juice but I’m pushing along. Pray for me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First day of Master Cleanse

First let me start by saying I have tried just about every diet out there. Just to name a few, I have tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, Low Fat diet, low carb diet, 3 day diet, South Beach, Grapefruit, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet. I have even created a few of my own like the Jell-O diet. I have also tried almost all of the diet aids out there. Some were okay and I even lost weight with a few but most were not. The biggest disappointment was Alli. After all the hoopla about this drug I was a little afraid to start taking it….but I did. Nothing. Not one pound was loss and I didn’t have all the “unpleasant” affects as promised. What they don’t tell you until you call and complain about the drug is you have to be really overweight…not just like 10 pounds over your ideal weight. That was just another lesson learned.

So today I am starting something new. Today is my first day on the Lemonade Diet…The Master Cleanser. My goal is to last the entire 10 days. That’s right 10 ... it was not a typo. For the next ten days the plan is to drink at least 60 oz. of the lemonade and my body weight (in oz .. not pounds) of water.

For the past week I have been getting my mind ready for this cleanse. I talked about it every day and told each one of my family members I would be starting soon so I would need their help. Don’t let me eat this or that, I would say. I asked each of them if they thought I could do it. I can do it, I would say. Finally the day came and I felt I was ready. I made one day’s worth of the drink last night so it would be nice and cold this morning. To make the lemonade I mixed 60 oz of filtered water with 12 T Organic Grade B Maple Syrup, 12 T freshly squeezed organic lemon juice, and ½ t of cayenne pepper. Before I got in bed I said my prayers and asked God for the strength I would need to complete this cleanse.

This morning I woke up with the lemonade on my mind. Since I could not eat breakfast or have my International Sugar Free Vanilla CafĂ© favored coffee drink I stayed in bed a half hour longer. When I got up to brushed my teeth the lemonade was still on my mind. I wasn’t putting it off because I had changed my mind, I was really afraid of the taste. The time had come…I was going to do it. I went into the kitchen, got a glass of water and a glass of the lemonade. I started drinking it really fast then realized it actually tasted good. I don’t even mind having pepper in my drink. That’s good…I won’t mind drinking it. Cool.

It’s now 11:34 and I have drank half of what I brought for breakfast and lunch. I’m feeling hungry. Did I fail to tell you how much I like food? I love it. I like eating and I do it well but I am determined to do this cleanse so I am going to blog about it every day in hopes that will help me stay on track. I will document everything…the good, the bad and the ugly so if you are squeamish, this is your warning.